Culturally Responsive

Anyinginyi Health Aboriginal Corporation

Anyinginyi Health Aboriginal Corporation (Anyinginyi Health) offers primary healthcare services to the Aboriginal population residing in Ten­nant Creek and four nearby small communities.

Initially established in 1984 as Anyinginyi Congress Aboriginal Corporation, the organisation aimed to reduce poverty, and social and economic disadvantages, while improving health outcomes in the region. 'Anyinginyi' is a Warumungu word meaning 'belonging to us.' In 2003, the organisation was renamed Anyinginyi Health Aboriginal Corporation and this is who we are today.


Tennant Creek & Barkly Region

The Bark­ly Region is a huge expanse of land that cov­ers more than 300,000 square kilo­me­tres from the trop­i­cal north to the arid desert south. It is an area larg­er than Vic­to­ria or New Zealand. The town of Ten­nant Creek is locat­ed between Kather­ine and Alice Springs along the Stu­art High­way.

Ten­nant Creek has a pop­u­la­tion of approx­i­mate­ly 3,500 peo­ple. It is the fifth largest town in the North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry and is ser­viced by:

A pri­ma­ry school

& high school 


2 day­care facilities


post office


town swim­ming pool

sev­er­al pubs & clubs

sev­er­al restaurants

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