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Social Media Policy

Face­book Terms and Con­di­tions Page

The Anyinginyi Health Abo­rig­i­nal Cor­po­ra­tion Face­book page is cul­tur­al­ly respon­sive and com­mu­ni­ty driven. 

The page is designed to engage the com­mu­ni­ty in the ser­vices we pro­vide in a wel­com­ing manner. 
View­ers and fol­low­ers must agree to these Terms and Conditions. 

The fol­low­ing types of com­ments are not accept­able and will be deleted. 

  • Com­ments that use offen­sive, insult­ing, and/​or abu­sive language.
  • Com­ments that are like­ly to offend, insult, humil­i­ate or intim­i­date on the basis of race.
  • Com­ments that unfair­ly dis­crim­i­nate on the basis of sex, sex­u­al ori­en­ta­tion, gen­der iden­ti­ty, inter­sex sta­tus, mar­i­tal or rela­tion­ship sta­tus, preg­nan­cy and breastfeeding.
  • Com­ments that could neg­a­tive­ly affect a person’s men­tal health.
  • Bul­ly­ing and discrimination. 
  • Shar­ing pri­vate and con­fi­den­tial information. 
  • Fraud­u­lent behav­iour and misrepresentation. 
  • Links that take oth­ers to ille­gal and mis­lead­ing pages and information. 
  • No sell­ing, spam­ming, or advertising. 
  • Posts not rel­e­vant to this page. 
  • Com­ments that breach client or com­mer­cial confidentiality.

Anyinginyi Health reserves the right to remove any posts, links, pho­tos, and adver­tise­ments that fail to com­ply with these terms and con­di­tions. Anyinginyi Health also reserves the right to block any user from our social media pages.

Com­ments pub­lished on the Anyinginyi Face­book page are the views of the per­son post­ing, and pub­li­ca­tion of the com­ment should not be tak­en as endorse­ment or agree­ment by Anyinginyi Health.

Anyinginyi Health makes no war­ranties or rep­re­sen­ta­tions regard­ing the accu­ra­cy, reli­a­bil­i­ty, valid­i­ty and/​or com­plete­ness of third-par­ty information.
Infor­ma­tion that is dis­trib­uted on the Anyinginyi Face­book page is gener­ic infor­ma­tion only and we strong­ly encour­age view­ers to seek health advice from qual­i­fied health pro­fes­sion­als if the top­ic is health related. 

If you have ques­tions or con­cerns about terms and con­di­tions on our page, please send us an email at or please call. Call Us

Guest Wifi Terms of Services

Exam­ples of Ille­gal Uses

The fol­low­ing are rep­re­sen­ta­tive exam­ples only and do not com­prise a com­pre­hen­sive list of ille­gal uses:

  1. Spam­ming and inva­sion of pri­va­cy — Send­ing of unso­licit­ed bulk and/​or com­mer­cial mes­sages over the Inter­net using the Ser­vice or using the Ser­vice for activ­i­ties that invade anoth­er’s privacy.
  2. Intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty right vio­la­tions — Engag­ing in any activ­i­ty that infringes or mis­ap­pro­pri­ates the intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty rights of oth­ers, includ­ing patents, copy­rights, trade­marks, ser­vice marks, trade secrets, or any oth­er pro­pri­etary right of any third party.
  3. Access­ing ille­gal­ly or with­out autho­riza­tion com­put­ers, accounts, equip­ment or net­works belong­ing to anoth­er par­ty, or attempt­ing to penetrate/​circumvent secu­ri­ty mea­sures of anoth­er sys­tem. This includes any activ­i­ty that may be used as a pre­cur­sor to an attempt­ed sys­tem pen­e­tra­tion, includ­ing, but not lim­it­ed to, port scans, stealth scans, or oth­er infor­ma­tion gath­er­ing activity.
  4. The trans­fer of tech­nol­o­gy, soft­ware, or oth­er mate­ri­als in vio­la­tion of applic­a­ble export laws and regulations.
  5. Export Con­trol Violations
  6. Using the Ser­vice in vio­la­tion of applic­a­ble law and reg­u­la­tion, includ­ing, but not lim­it­ed to, adver­tis­ing, trans­mit­ting, or oth­er­wise mak­ing avail­able ponzi schemes, pyra­mid schemes, fraud­u­lent­ly charg­ing cred­it cards, pirat­ing soft­ware, or mak­ing fraud­u­lent offers to sell or buy prod­ucts, items, or services.
  7. Utter­ing threats;
  8. Dis­tri­b­u­tion of porno­graph­ic mate­ri­als to minors;
  9. and Child pornography.

Exam­ples of Unac­cept­able Uses

The fol­low­ing are rep­re­sen­ta­tive exam­ples only and do not com­prise a com­pre­hen­sive list of unac­cept­able uses:

  1. High band­width oper­a­tions, such as large file trans­fers and media shar­ing with peer-to-peer pro­grams (i.e.torrents)
  2. Obscene or inde­cent speech or materials
  3. Defam­a­to­ry or abu­sive language
  4. Using the Ser­vice to trans­mit, post, upload, or oth­er­wise mak­ing avail­able defam­a­to­ry, harass­ing, abu­sive, or threat­en­ing mate­r­i­al or lan­guage that encour­ages bod­i­ly harm, destruc­tion of prop­er­ty or harass­es another.
  5. Forg­ing or mis­rep­re­sent­ing mes­sage head­ers, whether in whole or in part, to mask the orig­i­na­tor of the message.
  6. Facil­i­tat­ing a Vio­la­tion of these Terms of Use
  7. Hack­ing
  8. Dis­tri­b­u­tion of Inter­net virus­es, Tro­jan hors­es, or oth­er destruc­tive activities
  9. Dis­trib­ut­ing infor­ma­tion regard­ing the cre­ation of and send­ing Inter­net virus­es, worms, Tro­jan hors­es, ping­ing, flood­ing, mail-bomb­ing, or denial of ser­vice attacks. Also, activ­i­ties that dis­rupt the use of or inter­fere with the abil­i­ty of oth­ers to effec­tive­ly use the node or any con­nect­ed net­work, sys­tem, ser­vice, or equipment.
  10. Adver­tis­ing, trans­mit­ting, or oth­er­wise mak­ing avail­able any soft­ware prod­uct, prod­uct, or ser­vice that is designed to vio­late these Terms of Use, which includes the facil­i­ta­tion of the means to spam, ini­ti­a­tion of ping­ing, flood­ing, mail-bomb­ing, denial of ser­vice attacks, and pira­cy of software.
  11. The sale, trans­fer, or rental of the Ser­vice to cus­tomers, clients or oth­er third par­ties, either direct­ly or as part of a ser­vice or prod­uct cre­at­ed for resale.
  12. Seek­ing infor­ma­tion on pass­words or data belong­ing to anoth­er user.
  13. Mak­ing unau­tho­rized copies of pro­pri­etary soft­ware, or offer­ing unau­tho­rized copies of pro­pri­etary soft­ware to others.
  14. Inter­cept­ing or exam­in­ing the con­tent of mes­sages, files or com­mu­ni­ca­tions in tran­sit on a data network.

By using our inter­net ser­vice, you here­by express­ly acknowl­edge and agree that there are sig­nif­i­cant secu­ri­ty, pri­va­cy and con­fi­den­tial­i­ty risks inher­ent in access­ing or trans­mit­ting infor­ma­tion through the inter­net, whether the con­nec­tion is facil­i­tat­ed through wired or wire­less tech­nol­o­gy. Secu­ri­ty issues include, with­out lim­i­ta­tion, inter­cep­tion of trans­mis­sions, loss of data, and the intro­duc­tion or virus­es and oth­er pro­grams that can cor­rupt or dam­age your computer.

Accord­ing­ly, you agree that the own­er and/​or provider of this net­work is NOT liable for any inter­cep­tion or trans­mis­sions, com­put­er worms or virus­es, loss of data, file cor­rup­tion, hack­ing or dam­age to your com­put­er or oth­er devices that result from the trans­mis­sion or down­load of infor­ma­tion or mate­ri­als through the inter­net ser­vice provided.

Use of the wire­less net­work is sub­ject to the gen­er­al restric­tions out­lined below. If abnor­mal, ille­gal, or unau­tho­rized behav­ior is detect­ed, includ­ing heavy con­sump­tion of band­width, the net­work provider reserves the right to per­ma­nent­ly dis­con­nect the offend­ing device from the wire­less network.

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