Nyangirru Piliyi-Ngara Kurantta — Anyinginyi Corporate Services, are responsible for the organisation’s continued:
Corporate services also provide administrative support to our Board of Directors. The corporate services team handle complaints and public assistance. They work from our head office in Tennant Creek.
Anyinginyi are dedicated to continuous quality improvement (CQI) and answering the question “How can we do this better?”
Across the organisation we are committed to best practice and providing a safe and quality health service for our clients. We look for gaps in the care we provide and continually work towards providing better care.
Our CQI program uses the principles and framework from the Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance Northern Territory’s (AMSANT) NT CQI program.
Our continuous quality improvement initiatives include:
Corporate services also provide administrative support to our Board of Directors.
The corporate services team handle complaints and public assistance. They work from our head office in Tennant Creek.
Interim Chief Executive Officer
Erin Lew Fatt
The CEO is responsible for:
Policy, Research, Governance & Special Projects Officer Heather Burton
This role ensures high-level coordination and support to the Board and CEO to meet corporation good governance and management accountabilities, policy and research integrity.
This position is responsible for identifying issues impacting on Aboriginal Health and working with the Board and CEO to develop solutions. They provide policy advice through submissions and relevant documentation to both governments and key stakeholders.
Their goal is to strengthen Anyinginyi Health Aboriginal Corporation’s capability to more effectively develop and formulate policy themes, research development and good governance practices. This role must apply the Anyinginyi Cultural Framework and adhere to community-specific protocols in all aspects of development, formulation and design work.
8:30am – 11:30am
1:00pm – 4:00pm
8:30am – 11:30am
CLOSED for the afternoon (for training and professional development)
8:30am – 11:30am
1:00pm – 4:00pm
73 Schmidt St
Tennant Creek, NT 0860
t : 08 89 622 633 # 1
e : hss_reception@ anyinginyi.com.au
For medical records requests please email request form to medical.correspondence@anyinginyi.com.au
For all emergencies call triple zero (000)
For after-hours non-emergency care, call an Ambulance on 8962 1900, or the Tennant Creek Hospital on 8962 4399 or you can visit them at 45 Schmidt Street.
Parlpuru Ninji Kari — Health Services support health and wellbeing for every stage of our clients’ life.
Anyinginyi Health provides culturally responsive primary health care services that are client centred and contribute to improving the health of the Aboriginal community of Tennant Creek and the Barkly region. Our Aboriginal health model means that Aboriginal Health Practitioners (AHPs) are in the frontline tending to clients in the first instance. The AHPs provide triage, management and treatment that is within their scope. As a multidisciplinary team, this model is supported by Registered Nurses, General Practitioners, Specialists and Allied Health teams.
We operate in a region with a high burden of disease and complex needs arising from disadvantage and social inequality. Our multi-disciplinary Health Services team delivers high-quality care to address these needs within our scope, while advocating for other areas of need in our community.
At Anyinginyi we believe in preventative care and offer regular health checks and screening to ensure early detection and treatment. We also work with our clients to develop care management plans and provide ongoing wrap-around support services for those who are at risk of, or, diagnosed with chronic disease. Our referral pathways ensure that Allied Health and Specialists form part of our clients’ health and wellbeing.
Our dedication to providing equal opportunities for health ensures:
We believe that quality multi-disciplinary health and well-being services leads to better health outcomes for Aboriginal people in the Barkly region. We are informed by our cultural protocols, policy and best practice when planning our programs and when making health service delivery decisions.
Our programs focus on every stage of our clients’ lives, from babies to the elderly, providing dedicated and focused care in the areas of:
We also have a dedicated remote health services team who work with surrounding Aboriginal communities within the Barkly region.
Aboriginal Health Practitioners (AHPs) are responsible for delivering safe, high quality clinical services and patient care. With the increased scope of practice that the Northern Territory trained Aboriginal Health Practitioners possess, we are privileged to have Aboriginal Health Practitioners who are able to do more to address the health care needs of the community.
As the face of the Health Services section, Aboriginal Health Practitioners play a pivotal role in building the community’s trust. They operate in accordance with the Primary Clinical Care Manual as well as applicable legislation and regulations. AHPs act as a bridge in ensuring that non-Aboriginal staff provide culturally safe and appropriate care and services.
The Anyinginyi Health Centre is often the first point of contact for our clients.
The purpose-built Health Centre hosts:
More broadly, our Health Services team also works in with other sections of the organisation and referrals are made internally to ensure the best possible care is provided within Anyinginyi Health. We work closely with our Stronger Families and our Sports and Recreation teams, who also contribute to our clients’ wellbeing. Referrals to external organisations are also included in client and family care as necessary.
Since opening in 2010 our health centre has experienced a doubling of client numbers.
Anyinginyi Health understands the importance of oral health and the effects on the whole of body. We ensure that our dental team is fully functional with our Dentist and Dental Assistant working together to ensure the best possible care is provided to our Aboriginal clients.
The Dental Services team works in collaboration with the Health Centre for the prevention and treatment of all oral health problems. The dental team is also part of the chronic disease management team, specifically working in the prevention and management of Chronic Disease such as Tooth Decay and Rheumatic Heart Disease (RDH).
Good oral health contributes to general wellbeing by preventing the onset of many diseases. If not prevented or treated early, these diseases could become serious conditions.
Given Tennant Creek is a small town, Anyinginyi Health at times will extend its services to other clients on an emergency basis only. The Tennant Creek Hospital has a regular visiting Dentist, however, Anyinginyi Health may see some emergency clients on referral, at times when the visiting hospital Dentist is not in town.
Following localised cultural protocol Anyinginyi Health boasts a purpose built Men’s clinic. We are among one of the few Aboriginal controlled organisations across the Northern Territory to have a separate clinic specifically for Men’s Health. The clinic is staffed and managed by senior Aboriginal Health Practitioners who are supported by male General Practitioners and on occasions Registered Nurses.
Anyinginyi takes the lead in ensuring that it continually provides a safe and secure space for Wumpurrarni men to access primary health care services in a culturally appropriate environment.
The clinic's operations are guided by cultural protocols developed by Traditional Owners and Elders from the community to ensure respect for Warumungu Country and the organisation.
The protocols pave the way for improving working relations between all staff, Wumpurrarni men, young and old persons. These protocols underpin a framework for treatment and care of Wumpurrarni men who are known as the least likely to use health services and who have the worst health outcomes of any group in Australia.
Anyinginyi Health recognises the importance of working in a culturally responsive manner in its own duty of care to its Aboriginal community, particularly Aboriginal men.
Visiting specialists and allied health practitioners that contribute to our Aboriginal health model and client ‘wrap-around’ services include:
If you need to see a specialist or allied health practitioner, this is through a referral from the GP.
Opening hours
Monday — Friday
8am – 4:30pm
75 Schmidt St
Tennant Creek, NT 0860
t : 08 89 622 633 # 1
Manu Kinapina Parlpuru Ninji Kari — Regional Remote Health Services (RRHS), provides primary health care and allied health services to residents of the Barkly Region.
The RRHS team ensures Anyinginyi Health are able to expand its primary health care services to surrounding Aboriginal communities.
The team services four remote communities: two in the South Barkly Region (Mungkarta and Nguyarrmini) and two in the North Barkly Region (Wogyala and Corella Creek). Each community is visited fortnightly, except for Mungkarta, which has a larger population than the others. All visits are day trips, except for the Corella Creek trip, which covers approximately 800 km round trip.
This initiative to cover remote communities is one of Anyinginyi's efforts of going far and beyond closing the gap — that is trying to meet the health needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have challenges accessing health services due to distance.
Other than attending to daily and emerging health needs of the communities, the main focus of the Regional Remote team is:
School visits at the remote communities also help support teachers to identify emerging health issues with children.
The following programs and services operate under RRHS:
Monday — Friday
8am — 4:30pm
68 Schmidt Street,
Tennant Creek, NT 0860
t : (08) 8962 2633
e :
The Kalpa Purru Wirranjarlki — Public Health team deliver preventative and educational programs across a broad spectrum of health areas.
Through raising awareness of health issues, people of the Barkly Region can gain control over their own health.
Our approach is to “Make the Healthy Choice – The Easy Choice” by protecting, maintaining and improving the health standards of the population through health education, raising awareness, conducting research and encouraging a healthy lifestyle.
We focus on:
The Public Health team work in partnership with other Anyinginyi services, as well as external agencies in the Barkly Region and beyond. Our health initiatives are community driven to improve overall health standards.
Health promotion plays a big role in community inclusion and development. By interacting with individuals in a culturally appropriate way we can help build the capacity of communities to improve their own health.
Our aim is to enable people to increase their control over, and to improve, their own health. We work towards eliminating preventable health issues by helping people make informed decisions. The health promotion team consult with the community and work with other members of the Public Health Section, other areas of Anyinginyi and external organisations.
Our health promotion activities target:
Sticking to the motto of “Prevention is the Solution,” health promotion events are organised in Tennant Creek and across the Barkly Region’s remote communities.
We plan health promotion events in line with key national dates, such as Diabetes Week and World No Tobacco Day, as well as for the needs of individual communities.
Our health promotion team is open to ideas and works in collaboration with all service providers.
Anyinginyi runs the only eye health program in the Barkly Region. We run optometrist and ophthalmologist (eye specialist) clinics in Tennant Creek and some remote communities.
The priorities of the Eye Health team are:
Through better vision we have improved many people’s lives and restored their independence.
Since starting this program we have seen an attitude change in the community. Rather than accepting vision loss as a part of life, ageing people are now actively seeking help.
The Eye Health team use a subsidised glasses scheme that enables Aboriginal people to access affordable prescription glasses. The Lions Club also donate ready-made spectacles.
Trachoma is an infection of the upper inner lining of the eyelid, caused by the bacteria chlamydia trachomatis. Acute infections occur more commonly in young children, and repeated untreated infections in childhood can lead to blindness in older adults.
Person-to-person contact, flies and sharing towels can all spread trachoma. Risk factors for contracting trachoma include:
Our Trachoma Elimination Program aims to eliminate blindness caused by trachoma. We are working to reduce cases of active trachoma in children to less than 5% of the population by raising awareness of facial cleanliness. We are also aiming to reduce the cases of untreated trichiasis to less than 1 per 1000 people.
The Anyinginyi Health community nutrition program aims to create an environment that supports good health. The nutrition services provided in Tennant Creek are constantly evolving to adapt to the needs and requests of community members and organisations.
The program includes attendance at large health promotion events that spread messages of good health to whole communities, nutrition education and cooking workshops with various community groups and schools, as well as individual consults with clients referred from the health clinic.
In addition to the predominantly town-based initiatives, the nutritionist also visit remote Aboriginal communities on a regular basis. Together with the rest of the team at Anyinginyi, the dietician endeavours to provide holistic care and build the capacity of the community to make healthy lifestyle choices.
The Tackling Indigenous Smoking (TIS) Program is a targeted initiative, funded by the Australian Government. The program is community-led and aims to reduce smoking rates among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Our team works hand in hand with community members to create a healthy environment where future generations will have a smoke-free place to live in and our success is measured by the number of people who quit smoking.
Furthermore, as a community-led program, the TIS team at Anyinginyi Health Aboriginal Corporation is devoted to supporting healthier lifestyles within the Barkly region.
The team assists people to quit smoking using evidence-based practice approaches as well as relevant resources which ensures people have the tools to start their quitting journey. Approaches and tools include, but are not limited to, Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT), and designing culturally appropriate resources. The TIS team works across the Barkly region to deliver adequate support to eleven remote communities:
The TIS team is also vigilant to build a sustainable relationship with local community members, organisations, and business stores through partnerships and events.
The TIS team works to:
The TIS team has developed many resources to promote quitting smoking. These resources include:
For further information or support contact the TIS team today. Text QUIT to 0438923985 and a TIS worker will contact you!
Meet the TIS Team!
TIS Support Officer
TIS Photo Gallery
The Piliyintinji-ki — Stronger Families (PSF) team provide culturally appropriate social and emotional health services for men, women and families in Tennant Creek and the Barkly Region.
Piliyintinji-ki is Waramungu language for“to make something better, to cure or make something good”. This name informs how we provide services to our people. Our aim is to improve their physical, social and emotional health status.
Some areas of focus for PSF include:
We work with other service providers in our area to provide these services.
Our holistic approach also sees us undertaking promotion and prevention initiatives including:
specialist education sessions in the areas of:
Bringing Them Home assists individuals and supports families to deal with trauma and grief brought about by the forced separation of children from their families.
For this service Stronger Families works in partnership with Link Up Services, Central Australia Stolen Generations and Central Australian Aboriginal Congress.
Our work in this area aims at reducing the prevelance of family violence and child abuse in the Tennant Creek community. We do this by building the capacity of families, individuals and the wider community to address these issues.
We provide:
Our preventative and early intervention family support service, focuses on family relationships, parenting and family law services.
The service helps people navigate life transitions and assists families who are vulnerable to poor outcomes to build their resources and capabilities. Its aim is to enable more positive family functioning.
We provide counselling services as a part of our holistic approach to Aboriginal health care. By promoting mental wellness we aim to equip our clients to overcome issues in their lives.
All Rights Reserved | Anyinginyi Health Aboriginal Corporation
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised that this website might contain images of people who are deceased.
Anyinginyi Health Aboriginal Corporation is a Smoke Free Workplace.