Culturally Responsive

Anyinginyi Health Aboriginal Corporation

Anyinginyi Health Aboriginal Corporation (Anyinginyi Health) offers primary healthcare services to the Aboriginal population residing in Ten­nant Creek and four nearby small communities.

Founded in 1984 as Anyinginyi Congress Aboriginal Corporation, we underwent a rebranding in 2003 to become Anyinginyi Health Aboriginal Corporation. This pivotal year also marked the expansion of our services beyond Tennant Creek.


Tennant Creek & Barkly Region

The Bark­ly Region is a huge expanse of land that cov­ers more than 300,000 square kilo­me­tres from the trop­i­cal north to the arid desert south. It is an area larg­er than Vic­to­ria or New Zealand. The town of Ten­nant Creek is locat­ed between Kather­ine and Alice Springs along the Stu­art High­way.

Ten­nant Creek has a pop­u­la­tion of approx­i­mate­ly 3,500 peo­ple. It is the fifth largest town in the North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry and is ser­viced by:

A pri­ma­ry school

& high school 


2 day­care facilities


post office


town swim­ming pool

sev­er­al pubs & clubs

sev­er­al restaurants

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Latest News

By Heather Burton 27 Jun, 2023
Anyinginyi Health Aboriginal Corporation AGM 2024
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